Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Personal Narrative Sample Texts

Personal Narrative Sample Texts

We are beginning our first narrative writing assignment in Language Arts which will be a personal narrative! Below are some sample personal narratives we read in class.

Friday, August 24, 2018

August 14th- August 17th The First Week of School

The first week of 5th Grade

   On the first day of the week we found our
seats and put our backpacks behind us.
Then Ms.Booth asked for all of the supplies
This is all of the tests, and other things that

and introduced herself. The first thing the we
did was work on our name tags. When we were
done with our name tags she called us up one
by one to take our picture with it. At the end of
the day we packed up. When she excused
us we were given a tiny bag full of starburst!

     The next day Ms.Booth told us to write a
essay on our first day of school. The next thing
we did is we wrote another essay but instead it
is about what we did during the summer.
On Friday the last day of the week we took
a long math test to see what class we are
going into.

On Friday we built towers out of paper and tape as a team building exercise. We had to work together without making any sound. It was so difficult to stay quiet. UCSB table won first place for having the tallest tower.

This is what my class did in the first week
of school at Haynes Elementary.


Haynes Staff Welcome Back Video

 Welcome Back Video- Haynes Staff